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Re: [OM] My soft-focus eye

Subject: Re: [OM] My soft-focus eye
From: Jan Steinman <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 09:37:03 -0700
> From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>>
> I don't know the particulars, but it's time to up your game with the 
> system(s).

Thanks. We started a "phone call a day" campaign. We've discussed where to get 
some handcuffs, so we can go down to the cancer centre (accompanied by the 
media) and chain ourselves to the reception desk until we see a doctor. We've 
also been accepted into Washington Apple Health, their low-income "safety net" 
insurance system, for Plan Zed, as a last resort.

Part of the problem is that our primary care physician has been on vacation. We 
spent a LONG TIME with him on the phone yesterday, and he called us back TWICE. 
So things are moving. It turns out, we have an appointment with a 
gynaecological oncologist — but no one bothered to let us know! Our primary 
care reassured us that, based on the tests, he thought the oncologist was 
acting in due haste — he apparently has us squeezed in between two surgeries, 
which our primary said doesn't happen normally.

Our primary care worked with this doctor during his residency, and has nothing 
but praise for him.

We also talked with our primary care about going to the US. He asked us to wait 
until after the oncologist's appointment, but then, he would support us in any 
way possible. He said that at this point, the difference would probably be no 
more than a couple weeks.

So things are looking more hopeful, after a rocky start.

Thanks for your thoughts, Moose.


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