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Re: [OM] Fireweed and Cook Inlet

Subject: Re: [OM] Fireweed and Cook Inlet
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 07:35:59 -0700
At 8/18/2021 09:43 PM, AK wrote:
>Fireweed and Cook Inlet. Mt. Baldy. Eagle River, Alaska. Olympus
>EM-5mk2 with Lumix G 12-32 lens.
>AK Schnozz

On question: I was reading an FStoppers article on "When Photographers Stop 
Seeing" and noticed this comment...

"It is also important to note that cameras across all brands have imperfect 
color interpretation and rendition. Cameras often mistake certain hues for 
chromatically neighboring shades. As a landscape photographer, personally my 
biggest frustration is when the sensor perceives the blue sky as purple due to 
the bright warm cast of the sun during the golden hour."

I was wondering if you are seeing this in your image here? or do you think it 
is pretty accurate? Looking at the background.

If you are looking for any critiquing, I notice my eye is pulled to the left 
and where the tall grass feels a bit cut off. Probably unavoidable, but what I 
notice. Overall though nice.


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