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Re: [OM] My soft-focus eye

Subject: Re: [OM] My soft-focus eye
From: DZDub <jdubikins@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2021 16:02:16 -0500
On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 8:43 AM DZDub <jdubikins@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Anyway, I started off as a right-eye shooter, got myopic in graduate
> school and switched to left eye.  I switched back to right eye when I could
> tune in the eyepieces sufficiently well.  But I was also a switch hitter
> and I can throw with either arm (though only pitch righty).  If I"m
> shooting with a wide or MF macro, sometimes I still look with both eyes if
> focus is critical (when isn't it?).

Still thinking about Peter's actual question.  I think the possibility of
switching from right to left eye influenced my migration to Olympus.  I was
shooting N*kon when I became interested in trying the left eye for focus.
Very hard with the FM2 and FE2 at the time because the advance lever, when
unlocked for shooting, would poke a left-eyed shooter.  I had bought my
wife a cute little OM-1 and found it much better for lefties and never went
back to N*kon much after that, even after switching back to the right eye.
When film ruled, there were a lot of lefties who chose Olympus at least in
part because of this reason.

Joel W.
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