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Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S

Subject: Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 10:13:40 -0800
> I may experiment with the circuits someday. I got the 2s mostly because of 
> the lens attached and the grip attached. For now, the OM-4T will be the 
> camera to use, nicely CLAed by John, and because it has diopter adjust. I was 
> mostly curious about the 2s as I have never used one.

The reality is that the OM-4T is the better camera in pretty much
every way, except for one thing. And even at that, it's really a
nuance thing because nearly all OM single-digit bodies are exceptional
in this regard: They stay out of your way.

The OM-2S is extremely unobtrusive. To flip modes is something that
isn't just possible, but natural. To go from manual to auto to program
mode isn't so much an issue of being a decision plus an action, it's
an intuitive activity that requires no thought energy. There are times
when I'm better able to make the exposure decision than the camera,
and the lever flip is just part of the act of taking the picture. It's
really weird because of all the cameras I've ever used, this is the
only one that is so perfect in this regard. The real beauty is the
fact that it is 100% tactile. You don't even need to look at anything
to confirm the setting. It just is.

And, of course, the fact that the display is on the left side of the
viewfinder is awesome because you can see the movement of the "needle"
without looking at it, and can judge the relative exposure without
taking your eye off of the subject. You don't so much "see" the needle
as much as you "feel" the needle. When the "needle" isn't where you
feel like it should be, the lever flip with the left hand takes care
of it and you've never taken your eye off of the subject or taken your
finger off of the shutter release.

As mentioned before, I will get a manual exposure setting for the
scene, which is either my fall-back exposure, or is specific to
something in the scene. I normally then put the camera in
auto-exposure and let it adjust itself accordingly. However, if the
shutter speed is getting too slow, I flip it to program mode, and the
aperture automatically opens up and my shutter speed normalizes. Three
totally separate exposure settings available with the flip of the
switch. When I need that manual exposure setting (usually for a
backlit subject), it's instantly there.

AG Schnozz
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