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Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S

Subject: Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:51:33 -0800
Some crazy Alaskan Lunatic wrote:
> I've been sufficiently "Moosified" and have chosen to mostly embrace
> the digital world now. More or less... I'm standing here in my
> recording studio, surrounded by digital mixers, samplers, DAWs,
> controllers, etc., and yet, there are no less than FOUR analog
> semi-modular synthesizers here, including a Moog.

FIVE!!!! There are five analog synths and drum machines in my studio
space. And that doesn't include the half-dozen world-class ones that
live in the digital world.

I may be crazy, (hah, like that was ever a question?), but it's all
paid for with income from the music world over the past 12 months. One
of these days I'm actually going to release my own EP instead of just
producing for other people. Yet there is that whole name/identity
thing that I'm working through.

AK Schnozz
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