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Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S

Subject: Re: [OM] A Love Story - 35 Year Anniversary with the OM-2S
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:28:35 -0800
WS wrote:
> I came across an OM-2s recently. Have no idea what the actual operating 
> condition is, but it appears near mint condition.

I'd almost say "buyer beware" with the mint condition OM-2S bodies,
but in all honesty, at this point most film cameras are novelty items
for us and not anything we're going to rely on.

>I have never used the 2s. One downside for me is the lack of a diopter 
>adjustment. The second is the screen is not as bright at the standard OM-4t 
>screen. A 2-13 screen, hard to come by except perhaps from a "parts only" 
>OM-4, might help.

The 2-series screen is pretty much a requirement with the OM-2S,
although, I think my favorite for macro photography remains the 1-4.
At some point over this next year I need to do another round of "kit
rationalization" and part of that is rearranging the screens again. As
to the diopter adjustment, yes, that's a sore point for me. The focus
screen's apparent viewing distance is about 1.5-2.0 meters. Basically
where my own eyesight has been problematic through the years. What I
found, though, is that the press-in diopters from Minolta for the old
manual-focus cameras (forgot which models used the rectangle finder)
fit in the Olympus viewfinder fine, but a tiny smidge of adhesive is
required to keep it from slipping out. I used them for years in my
OM-1md, OM-2md, and OM-2S bodies.

> An interestingly designed camera. The fact the camera cannot go smaller than 
> the set aperture seems to be a feature of the way Oly lenses aperture control 
> works.

What appears to be a limitation is actually more of a brilliant
feature! For program mode (of which this limitation applies), you are
biasing the minimum aperture that can be used, which offsets the
shutter speed appropriately. It's an extremely crude way of
manipulating the program mode. I do choose to look on the bright side
of this. :)

> Event photography today seems hard to imagine using a film camera. It's clear 
> that you have mastered this camera. The menu system is minimal. I will 
> probably run a roll of film through it.

I've been sufficiently "Moosified" and have chosen to mostly embrace
the digital world now. More or less... I'm standing here in my
recording studio, surrounded by digital mixers, samplers, DAWs,
controllers, etc., and yet, there are no less than FOUR analog
semi-modular synthesizers here, including a Moog.

AK Schnozz
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