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Re: [OM] Knock, knock

Subject: Re: [OM] Knock, knock
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 22:00:10 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
<<I'm interested to see what you got, and what you think of it.

I just did a quick play and  not much time to use the pin hole on a pod. The 
pin hole looks very well made and your test of it was sufficient.  The swirl in 
the Lensbaby Trio does work well but limited choices.  The King of flexibility 
of the Swirl Bokeh is the Lomo.  I had one in my cart but other things 
intervened.  Rather a specialized tool but very flexible controls with no fixed 


What happened to the Pro Capture settings so the problem can be avoided?
At least the turtles were staying put and only required Slow Capture Mode, but 
I did not lug the 100-400 that day.  :-(. 

<<<<....the computational intensity of Topaz AI apps

Yep real resource hounds. Even with a fast laptop if there are any driver 
issues with the GPU, they are slow on a 2 yo lap top configured to the bleeding 
edge of what was available. I wish they would fix the Sharpen AI glitch for win 
10.   It is  about due for an update and I didn't bother to install a previous 
glitch free version, but the time penalty is irksome. 

<<<Some potentially great critter shots captured.

I saw some potential  nice ones when you downloaded the cards. 

Can't wait to see what you have, Mike
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