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Re: [OM] Knock, knock

Subject: Re: [OM] Knock, knock
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 11:27:17 -0400
On 10/17/2022 5:43 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
Why so quiet?  It isn't even the depths of winter yet when we used to engage in 
pedantic arguments about depth of field and utility of full wave solutions and 

Just to report that a  Moose visit to South Hamilton has sadly ended

A good time was had by all!

but OM gear including several OMZ lenses were exercised and many MZ lenses 
including the nifty MZ 100-400 with 1.4 TC--by Moose .  It is a bit heavy but 
certainly came in handy for the occasional critter we came across.

I know from testing that this combo is capable of first class sharpness, even at 1120 mm eq., at distances unaffected by atmospheric softening. There will be some darn fine photos from this trip, though not until I am home. A relatively slow portable computer, the computational intensity of Topaz AI apps and a weird glitch in Denoise AI make good post on the road improbable.

Some potentially great critter shots captured. A few others lost to wrong 
settings for OM-1 ProCap SH2 - sheesh.

Moose has the new MZ 12-200  on the other cam and just avoided the softer long 
end.  Seems to work for him but is a bit awkward.  No perfect solutions.

I've carried two, or three, camera/lens sets on photo outings for years. This combo 
is heavier than I would like, but wonderful for coverage - 24 to 1120 mm eq. and 
decent C-U. The 12-200 does get softer at the long end, but the 100-400 & 1.4 
TC starts @ 140mm, so lots of overlap.

A simpler solution is the Panny ZS200, 1" Sony sensor, same as their RX series, 
with 24-360 mm eq lens. Amazingly good in decent light. Good for primarily social 
times when photo ops may occur.

I also had the opportunity to play with a few gizmos like a lens baby and a 
zone plate, pin hole thingie.

I'm interested to see what you got, and what you think of it.

I am sure some images will surface here but mine will be delayed due to work 
and a recert course.

Anyone  there?

Only Poultry Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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