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Re: [OM] Knock, knock

Subject: Re: [OM] Knock, knock
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 09:05:40 -0700
At 10/18/2022 03:00 PM, Mike wrote:
><<I'm interested to see what you got, and what you think of it.
>I just did a quick play and  not much time to use the pin hole on a pod. The 
>pin hole looks very well made and your test of it was sufficient.  The swirl 
>in the Lensbaby Trio does work well but limited choices.  The King of 
>flexibility of the Swirl Bokeh is the Lomo.  I had one in my cart but other 
>things intervened.  Rather a specialized tool but very flexible controls with 
>no fixed aperture.   
>What happened to the Pro Capture settings so the problem can be avoided?
>At least the turtles were staying put and only required Slow Capture Mode, but 
>I did not lug the 100-400 that day.  :-(. 

round and round the swirl goes. Price is less on B&H. 

><<<<....the computational intensity of Topaz AI apps
>Yep real resource hounds. Even with a fast laptop if there are any driver 
>issues with the GPU, they are slow on a 2 yo lap top configured to the 
>bleeding edge of what was available. I wish they would fix the Sharpen AI 
>glitch for win 10.   It is  about due for an update and I didn't bother to 
>install a previous glitch free version, but the time penalty is irksome. 

What is the sharpen ai glitch? and which version? I'm currently running 4.1.0 
and I have not had any issues.

><<<Some potentially great critter shots captured.
>I saw some potential  nice ones when you downloaded the cards. 
>Can't wait to see what you have, Mike

Also looking forward to them. Some day I will get back to new england.


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