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[OM] Tech questions: time lapse, batteries

Subject: [OM] Tech questions: time lapse, batteries
From: Lawrence Woods <lmwoods@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 09:45:03 -0400
I'm still trying to figure out how to use a new-to-me Olympus E-M1 II.  This week's problem is with a time lapse movie.

I set the time lapse sequence up in Shooting Menu 1 -> (shutter/multi-exposure/time delay) -> Interval/Time lapse: On -> 320 frames, interval length 00:01:00, Time lapse movie: On, Movie settings HD/15 fps.  The screen shows this will give me a 21 second clip covering about 5:40 in elapsed time.

I tried capturing the time lapse  twice. Both times the sequence ended prematurely. The first time I got 24 still pictures and a one second clip.  The second time I got 114 pictures and a 7 second clip.  In both cases, when I got back to the camera well after 5:40 had elapsed, it was in hibernation mode. Both times, the battery indicator still showed one bar, so I had not run out of power.  One other difference between the attempts was shutter mode.  The first time the shutter was in normal (mechanical) mode.  The second time, it was in silent mode.

My assumption is that I am omitting some other setup setting, but what?


My second question is about third-party BLH-1 equivalent batteries in the E-M1 II.  One brand I have (Watson) seems to function the same as an Olympus battery.  Another (Wasabi Power) gets a message on the  LCD display at power up "Olympus batt. recommended" and does not show a power percentage below the green battery icon like the Watson and Olympus batteries do.

 * Any idea why some batteries are recognized as foreign, and others not?
 * Are there any other functional differences between OEM and
   third-party batteries in an E-M1 II camera?
 * Are there any situations or modes using the camera where I should
   avoid using third-party batteries because of those functional


    ----- Larry Woods

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