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Re: [OM] Where are thou oh brother

Subject: Re: [OM] Where are thou oh brother
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 15:33:38 -0600
Our experiences are certainly different. Either I'm a better photographer
than you or my expectations are lower. I'm thinking it's the expectations.
After all, I'm still pretty happy with film images in spite of the flaws.

Actually, what I think has happened is that I've found ways of working and
have adapted some items in order to achieve the walkabout kit of
sufficiency. For example, my small tripod allows me to easily remove the
center column. I'm got a mini ballhead on it and I shortened the column to
a specific length. With a quick flick of the tightening knob I can turn the
column into a shoulder stock. This gives me an effective two additional
stops of stability-- depending on shutter speed range. I also use the
monopod a lot. Then there is the chosen aperture which gives me a little
bit of focus slop to work with.

As to lugging a big kit around, this is something which I know my time is
limited with, so I've been modifying my ways for the past several years. I
prefer to give myself fewer choices so as to lean more on my creative
skills than on the technology. I'm carrying a pretty minimalistic kit most
of the time. My standard OM kit right now is an OM body with 28/2 and
100/2. The 200yards kit is a full trunkload of eauipment, though. My
standard digital kit is the DMC-L1 with a kit zoom and Tokina ATX 100-300/4
zoom. If I am feeling Leicaish, I'll just put the 24/2.8 on the L1.

The OM-4T with 35-80 and MD2 is an awesome event kit, but it is heavy.
There is a ton of glass and metal there. I would complain about the weight
but the results are sooooooo fine. Loaded with a 400-800 speed film, I
usually don't need any flash as the lens is perfect at 2.8 and the mass as
well as the perfect motordrive takes care of low shutter speeds. I can
handhold that kit at 1/30 all day long. Put the T45 flash on this kit and
it really is a monster in size and weight, but the resuls are amazing.
(Just point it at the ceiling or wall and have fun).


On Saturday, December 28, 2013, Moose wrote:
> And what you want to do. MF tele and macro without tripod are miserable.
> I've been having a ball shooting insects and
> other moving critters. Way too hard with MF. Yes, I did catch some on film
> with MF, but I'm getting more and much better
> results with AF. With film, I worried about too many shots with such
> targets. Expensive, and I'd have to change film at
> a crucial time. I'd never have captured the hummingbird shots I recently
> posted with MF.
> And how you want to do it. I tend to walk and shoot, often on fairly
> lengthy trails. If I did everything with MF, I'd
> have to turn back before getting very far, as it would be getting dark. :-)

Ken Norton
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