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[OM] Re: [lens] Re: Speaking of backup drives

Subject: [OM] Re: [lens] Re: Speaking of backup drives
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 20:38:35 -0800 (PST)
> As to safest cheap location in/near a house for a hard drive which
> would resist fire and tornado, 
> I'd suggest a location on the usually windward side so it would be
> out of the flames. Ideally, you 
> should use reinforced concrete, but a water barrier (lead the wires
> in at the bottom) and multiple 
> layers of wallboard might protect against fire and water.

This does give me an idea.  In the telephone industry, we use
"pedestals" for connecting "drops" (cable to the premise) to the
feeder cable.  These come in various shapes and sized, but if you
look in your back yard, or out by the curb, the typical one is a
square metal thing stuck into the ground. Well, I can get ones which
are a fiber-enforced polycarbonate material. These are "waterproof"
even though they are open on the bottom. As there is no hole in the
upper case, these are used in wet/flood zones.  It is perfectly sized
to place the unit up and inside.  The base could be secured to the
basement floor in a relatevely fire-risk-free spot, but would be
protected from tornado and water damage.


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