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[OM] Re: TOPE 24: 2 more entries added to the gallery

Subject: [OM] Re: TOPE 24: 2 more entries added to the gallery
From: "Scott Gomez" <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 22:50:40 -0800
As she can't reach the TOPE site (404 error. Or worse, just no
response). We did some troubleshooting, and their DNS just never returns
an address to her for www.tope.nl, although when accessed from outside
the network, it does. I'd say it's Verizon's issue, in her case.

When I block, the person attempting to access via a blocked IP gets an
"access denied" error. Can't remember what error code that is just now,

It's not difficult to troubleshoot some of the common errors/problems to
get ammunition for talking to your ISP's technical support folks. I'm
happy to help anyone that needs it. Just email me and I'll give ya my
phone (or grab it from my web site :-) )

By the way, don't underestimate the incompetence or error factors with
major ISPs. Some have quite rapid turn-over in technical folks, and
don't always hire the best replacements. I once informed a major that
they had a major routing error, which no one had noticed. Part of the
problem is that people using the majors' nets often are "net ignorant"
and when calling, don't know how to describe the problem. With so many
tech folks being "people ignorant" as well, often no connection is made
between the two and what the *real* problem is goes undiagnosed.

Scott Gomez

-----Original Message-----
From: Moose [mailto:olymoose@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Subject: [OM] Re: TOPE 24: 2 more entries added to the gallery

But in which direction is the problem? Could be that the ISP, Verizon in
her case and SBC in mine, is blocking outgoing access. But I can't see
why except for incompetence or error.

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