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Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?

Subject: Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?
From: Dub Snapper <lensmanten@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 20:45:40 +0100
Ah to hell with it! I'll buy all of them🥳

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On 23 May 2024, 20:18, at 20:18, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Of the m43 bodies, I've got the following:
>E-M1 Mk2
>E-M5 Mk2
>And a handful of Panasonic/Leica lenses as well as the adapter for the
>DZ lenses, of which I have the 14-54ii, 12-60 SWD, and 50-200 SWD.
>The E-M1 Mk2 took a dive and hasn't been as reliable with the adapted
>lenses like it should be, but otherwise it's a fine performer. But
>that menu system.... oh, that menu system.... It's nearly as awful as
>the menu system in my Sony A7ii.
>I've been contemplating rationalizing my camera gear, which will
>include a new camera purchase, of course. Do I go full-frame? Do I
>stick with Olywhatever? Do I just delete B&H from my browser and look
>away? I honestly don't know. But I'll say that overall, the m43 system
>is the best all-rounder for me. However, where it isn't good, it's
>definitely not good. I still struggle with low-light, stage-light, and
>night-light. And for a person who lives where nighttime is half the
>year, well...
>But, yeah, I'd get the latest greatest OM1 whatever. Or the OM5
>whatever. I actually much prefer the size/weight/formfactor of the 5
>over the 1.
>AG Schnozz
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