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Re: [OM] Oly 250/2.0 lens

Subject: Re: [OM] Oly 250/2.0 lens
From: Mark Calzaretta via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 22:11:26 +0200
Cc: Mark Calzaretta <om4ti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Decades ago I owned both the 180/2.0 and the 250/2.0 lenses and they
   were absolutely spectacular.

   But they were HUGE and HEAVY

   When I finally broke down and went to the 4/3s digital format I
   purchased myself one of the 90-250/2.8 zoom. While clearly not as fast
   of a lens, I believe that it is as sharp or sharper than the older
   lenses and it certainly has better contrast and color. Weightwise it
   was probably somewhere between the two lenses, but since I used to haul
   the 1000/11.0 out into the Everglades for wildlife shots it still
   seemed lite to me

   The 90-250/2.8 zoom lens has probably been my most favorite Olympus
   lens produced up until that time. I have used it to photograph air
   shows, offshore powerboat racing, equestrian events as well as
   gatherings both social and corporate

   I still utilize this lens even today on my µ4/3s digital bodies.
   Naturally I utilize the Olympus adapter that allows the 4/3s lenses to
   work on µ4/3s bodies

   One day I will pick up the Olympus 150-400/4.5 zoom but since I do not
   hike out for wildlife shots any longer, it is a like and not a need


   Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 11:51 AM
   From: "Chris Trask" <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   To: "Olympus Discussion Group" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Subject: [OM] Oly 250/2.0 lens
   I doubt that I will ever own one of these.
   When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
   - Hunter S. Thompson
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