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Re: [OM] Oly 250/2.0 lens

Subject: Re: [OM] Oly 250/2.0 lens
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 16:38:22 -0800
Paul The Terrible wrote:
> You’re welcome.

On a positive note, it's all earning its keep in a pretty big way. On
a related note, I finally did what I vowed would never happen, but
they were on sale. I bought a pair of SM57 microphones. I've always
used them, but never owned them.The Beta 57A remains my personal
favorite, in spite of the almost 3 dozen microphones in my kit. Just
need one more ribbon microphone. I learned an important lesson and
that's to always have a pair of a type of microphone used for
non-vocal applications.

Getting another pair of K12.2 speakers this week. I've got four gigs
coming up that need the extra set. I'd get more subs, but then I'd
need a equipment van and a couple of hired hands to haul it all
around. Anything that needs more than four K12.2 and two K112S
speakers should be a bigger rental system anyway. I'd rather be on
stage being the headliner with someone else providing the $2 million
line-array systems. It's a game of Tetris, but I can just barely get
everything in my X5.

All in all, my two midlife crisis changes have been working out pretty well.

AC/DC Schnozz
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