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Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?

Subject: Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 11:18:36 -0800
Of the m43 bodies, I've got the following:

E-M1 Mk2
E-M5 Mk2

And a handful of Panasonic/Leica lenses as well as the adapter for the
DZ lenses, of which I have the 14-54ii, 12-60 SWD, and 50-200 SWD.

The E-M1 Mk2 took a dive and hasn't been as reliable with the adapted
lenses like it should be, but otherwise it's a fine performer. But
that menu system.... oh, that menu system.... It's nearly as awful as
the menu system in my Sony A7ii.

I've been contemplating rationalizing my camera gear, which will
include a new camera purchase, of course. Do I go full-frame? Do I
stick with Olywhatever? Do I just delete B&H from my browser and look
away? I honestly don't know. But I'll say that overall, the m43 system
is the best all-rounder for me. However, where it isn't good, it's
definitely not good. I still struggle with low-light, stage-light, and
night-light. And for a person who lives where nighttime is half the
year, well...

But, yeah, I'd get the latest greatest OM1 whatever. Or the OM5
whatever. I actually much prefer the size/weight/formfactor of the 5
over the 1.

AG Schnozz
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