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Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?

Subject: Re: [OM] Which OM digital ?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 11:49:38 -0700
There's another factor people seem to ignore. With the OM-1, OM Sys introduced 
a radically different menu system.

The venerable Oly menu system, with which I was long familiar, had become really, really clunky. I thought I might take time to adapt. But no, it's not perfect, but a big improvement.

And then — fanfare — they added a personal menu. You can take any item from the other menus and put it in whatever order and submenus please you!

This, to me, is a game changer. I would choose the OM-1 over any of the E-M1 
bodies for it alone.

Menu Moose

On 5/23/2024 8:36 AM, Frank wrote:
Hmm.. with that budget I'd go for the OM-1 with 12-40mm II lens for around

2.245,49 € (slightly depending on the difference between Irish and German
VAT) at reputable dealers like Foto Erhardt.

Check idealo.de

Have fun anyway.

Best, Frank.

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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