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Re: [OM] Seeking advice on entering MFT

Subject: Re: [OM] Seeking advice on entering MFT
From: Frank <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 12:43:13 +0100
The DMW-MA1 is the brother of the MMF-1, it has the same weight.

Note that the MMF-3 is a MMF-2 with weather sealing and a comparable weight.

On a side note: the MMF-1 (and probably the Panasonic) allows fitting the
m43 teleconverters, while the MMF-2/3 doesn't.

I tried the m.zuiko 1.4x with my 50-200mm SWD on a MMF-1 and it worked.
However, the camera didn't calculate the correct focal length, so the IBIS
will probably be less effective... Image quality looked good, but I
couldn't compare it to the 43 ec-14, as I sold that before.

Best, Frank

Op do 23 feb. 2023 om 08:21 schreef Wayne Harridge <

> Interesting that the weights of the adapters are quite different:
> Olympus MMF-2   41g     feels like plastic
> FOTGA                   52g     fells like metal
> LUMIX DMW-MA1   83g     feels like metal
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