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Re: [OM] Williwaw Lakes

Subject: Re: [OM] Williwaw Lakes
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 17:44:26 -0700
At 7/19/2021 04:00 PM, Bill wrote:
>But will extending the resolution make a real difference? I think not, but we 
>are in a time where we have given up our sad quest for the best out of focus 
>areas in a photo to demand overall sharpness.  I've been fortunate to see a 
>lot of famous photos b even more famous photographers that wouldn't last for a 
>minute if subjected to today's quest for ultimate sharpness.

This is a different use case.
I showed these two images once before:
Some artifacts from sharpen AI granted.

The shot was with A7R4 and 24-105/4 lens at 105mm. The second is a 100% crop of 
the first image. The fact I can get this with one lens rather than schlepping a 
big telephoto makes a difference on a long hike. Resolution and overall 
sharpness matters in this case.

It's all about being there - WayneS
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