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Re: [OM] My First Real Camera, Leica IIIa

Subject: Re: [OM] My First Real Camera, Leica IIIa
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 09:32:47 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
     Back in the day, a couple of friends I hiked with couldn't buy Pentax AEs 
fast enough.  Within a couple of months they had turned the automatic features 
off and reverted to fully manual.  That told me everything I needed to know 
about automatic cameras.

     I did the same thing shortly after I got the E-500.  I shut off all the 
automatic features and then indulged in some very nice MF lenses.

>My first "real" camera was a Nikon Nikormat. I unfortunately traded it 
>on an upgrade to a worse Nikon camera, with the new auto exposure. But 
>if felt like shooting a flint lock rifle compared to the Nikormat. So 
>sloowww. I never gave myself the luxury of replacing it for the OM-2 
>at the time and my photography took a back burner for many years until 
>the OM-4 years later.
>I briefly tried a Leica M6 at the time I was also using the OM-4t. I 
>was testing shutter accuracy at the time with my home made detector. 
>(ebay snags were suspect and many thanks to John Hermanson).


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro 
     - Hunter S. Thompson
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