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Re: [OM] Waaay OT--stuck water filter housing

Subject: Re: [OM] Waaay OT--stuck water filter housing
From: "Pearce, Wilfred via olympus" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 23:44:28 +0000
Cc: "Pearce, Wilfred" <pearce@xxxxxxxx>, "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
It has been my experience that you must have the wrench as close to the top of 
the holder as possible.If it gets it's teeth into the thing at the same level 
as the threads all goes easier.

From: olympus <olympus-bounces+pearce=kmuw.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of 
Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 5:38:18 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [OM] Waaay OT--stuck water filter housing

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<<<Also are you sure that the pressure is totally released upstream and down?

Good question as that was an issue with my first ride in this rodeo.  I let the 
water run for 10 min until it was just a drip into a pale with the circuit 

I appreciate all the excellent suggestions.  I will not surrender easily.  I'll 
work on it again later in the week when I get a chance. I really really dread 
the under the sink ones.  I let Luke do the carbon cartridges for the RO unit 
at that formidable location when he was at my place for something else.
He has the strength of a grizzly bear and the finesse of a violinist, with 
every tool imaginable, but the price of admission is very high--very common in 
this state. It often pays me to take a day off and work on house projects.

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