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Re: [OM] File losses

Subject: Re: [OM] File losses
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 19:27:53 -0400
Not so. The solution you're looking for is right here and it's also reliable, fast and free. I think you should also consider replacing Novastore with it. 7.7 days is not a solution to anything.


Chuck Norcutt

On 4/2/2015 6:32 PM, bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Well, this has been an education, and I'm not sure I'm happy with the result.

Using Novastore, I backed up both drives in my computer to a third drive.

The process seemed stable, and I was desperate to get a backup done
before more data was lost.

It has just finished, after 185 hours 2 minutes = 7.7 days.

And now I find that the data is not all that readily accessible. I "may" try the
considerable  learning curve, but I'm also sure there are simpler systems
which yield a very accessible copy of the saved drive(s)

What I need after the main, initial, backup, is periodic backups of additional
data only, all in a very accessible form.

Not all that easy to obtain, it seems.


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