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Re: [OM] Trigger pulled Sony Nex-7 on the way. Suggestions on OM Zuiko a

Subject: Re: [OM] Trigger pulled Sony Nex-7 on the way. Suggestions on OM Zuiko adapter,
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 10:06:10 -0600
> because of ease of use! my X-Pro1 has no PASM dial, I like it because of
> its simplicity. Having spent a lot of money on digital backs for legacy
> OM lenses, would I buy a speed booster? - probably yes, would I use it
> much? probably not. No matter how much you resolve to use your OM lenses
> at some point you will want the easy option of using modern AF lenses
> and then you have to hope you bought the right digital back :-)

You bring up a couple very good points:

1. The XPro1 is an object desire for many reasons. The only reason why
I'm not dripping great big slobbers all over it is because I have the

2. My reasoning for wanting to adapt the lenses and NOT use the native
AF lenses is because of the doubling up of equipment. I want to have
just ONE set of lenses in my bag that work on both the film bodies as
well as the digital bodies. I went for almost 18 months without
carrying any non-OM lens and loved it.

3. The new lenses that Fujifilm is producing for the X-line are
amazingly good and the images have a nice organic look to them. Not as
organic as the OM Zuikos, but better than anything else coming out of
Japan right now.

4. If the "digital back" is designed right and satisfies the
manual-focusing and exposure issues correctly (which mirrorless EVF
does better than mirrored OVF) then there really is no reason for the
modern dedicated system lenses.

Ken Norton
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