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Re: [OM] Vietnam in 2014

Subject: Re: [OM] Vietnam in 2014
From: "Brian Swale" <bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 04:21:02 +1300
Tina wrote / asked
>-> Thanks, Bob.  What should we avoid?
>-> Tina
>-> On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Bob Whitmire
>-> <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>->wrote:
>-> I, ah, visited there quite a number of years ago. Wasn't the best trip
>-> I've ever been on.
>-> That said, I found the Perfume River in and outside of Hue particularly
>-> fetching.
>-> --Bob Whitmire
>-> Certified Neanderthal
>-> On Dec 14, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
>-> PESO:
>-> We just booked our frequent flier flights to Vietnam for March 10 - 30th.
>-> Anybody live there, visit there, have suggestions for photography there or
>-> will be there when we are?
>-> This will be our first trip to that part of the world.
>-> -- 
>-> Tina Manley
>-> http:// <http://tina-manley.artistwebsites.com/>->www.tinamanley.com

Tina, one of my nephews is a perambulating teacher who taught in  Vietnam for 
about 2 
years. One of his children was born there.

He's now in Uruguay, and prior to all that taught in Brazil for a couple of 
years. They ( he and 
his wife) seem to like international experience. The only reason they left 
Vietnam was that he 
was unable to get any administrative postings there.

Would you like me to ask him - and if so do you have any other related 
questions ?

Brian Swale

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