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Re: [OM] Journalism Today

Subject: Re: [OM] Journalism Today
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 09:37:31 -0600
Uh huh. Let's see... Mr. Facebook followed the lead of Mr. Apple and others
and only take a $1 salery. Guess what? They totally avoid paying Social
Security tax.

A lot of people saw Steve Jobs as a great man. I saw him as a crook who
stole from those of us working stiffs who couldn't game the system like he
could. Jerk.


On Friday, December 13, 2013, SwissPace wrote:

> Here in Switzerland you are taxed on assets as well and they had a
> referendum on the highest paid person being only allowed a salary of 12
> times the lowest (it was maybe not best thought out but the idea seems
> ok)  HOWEVER if I was ever put in charge I would simplify the tax system
> to one simple rule for everyone and a second for companies, it will put
> the tax consultants out of work as there would be no loopholes to find.

Ken Norton
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