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[OM] Re: Tripods

Subject: [OM] Re: Tripods
From: "James N. McBride" <jnmcbr@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 19:15:29 -0600
Someone is making a commercial version of that string pod now. It starts
with "k" and might be kinesis. I saw it advertised in a magazine. It's easy
do and works in all kinds of strange places. /jmac

-----Original Message-----
From: olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Terry and Tracey
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:59 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] Re: Tripods

And we should never forget Doris Fang's stringpod!


----- Original Message -----
>I almost exclusively shoot from a tripod whenever I can. However, in the
>uk there is a lot of places that simply will not allow you to do so.

There are numerous locales here that won't allow it . . . usually because
it blocks access to something, or clogs up pedestrian traffic, or creates a
"trip hazard."  Under those conditions, a monopod is better than nothing at
all.  I also look for solid objects on which to brace the camera . . .
sometimes with my hand or a "bean bag" between the body/lens and whatever
I'm bracing it against.

I've also had a couple occasions in which the use of a tripod results in a
"prima facie" assumption the user of it is a professional doing "stock" or
"commercial" work.

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