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RE: [OM] OT --laid off :(

Subject: RE: [OM] OT --laid off :(
From: "Richard F. Man" <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 15:12:01 -0800
At 09:31 AM 1/18/2003 -0800, George M. Anderson, Photographer wrote:
...If I can somehow get by til March, I know I can double my photo sales over
last year based on what I've learned about the art show circuit, what shows
not to do again, what shows to sell my soul to get into, some new ideas for
product etc. And with refi-ing my house and plans to move to a cheaper area,
I can provide for my family on photography alone and I would love that.
But, how do I get by til March ... ?

That's quite a bit of "ifs" to get things over the hump, IMHO. However, if you already have this attitude, it would be highly unlikely that you will be happy with the job (may be if the offer comes in much higher than you are expecting, but I doubt it right now with the ways things are). BTW, how to you re-fi and move to a cheaper place? Is it re-fi NOW and then move to a cheaper place later on?

Good luck regardless!

// richard <http://www.imagecraft.com> <http://www.dragonsgate.net/mailman/listinfo>
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