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[OM] Successor to aging E-M5?

Subject: [OM] Successor to aging E-M5?
From: Peter Klein <boulanger.croissant@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 19:10:38 -0800
I'm a little late for the "camera replacement time" thread of c. Dec. 30, so I'm starting my own.

I'm still using the original OM-D E-M5.  I shoot it with fast Oly or Panasonic primes: 14/1.8, 20/1.7, 25/1.4 and 45/1.8. Plus a couple of film OM macro and telephoto lenses, and a 90/2 rangefinder lens. I don't photograph birds in flight. Despite a bit of shutter lag, it serves me well. But it is getting old.

I'm looking for some general advice on what to replace the E-M5 with when the time comes. Used gear in good shape would be fine. Are there any particular models I should concentrate on? Is there a good summary of the major differences online?  I'm trying to narrow things down a bit before diving into detailed reviews and user comments, which can be a rabbit hole.

My other camera is German rangefinder Brand L, which i use for people shots where the exact instant is paramount. The E-M5 started out as my travel camera, and something I could carry when I had "frozen shoulders" some years ago. But honestly, its convenience means it gets used for a lot of things.

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