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Re: [OM] Successor to aging E-M5?

Subject: Re: [OM] Successor to aging E-M5?
From: <dj_taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 22:51:40 +1300
The advantage of the E-M5 Mkii is that it is a metal bodied camera, and
robust, while some people dislike the polycarbonate body of the Mkiii. There
have also been problems with the base plate cracking round the tripod bush,
mainly it seems from people who like to use it as a strap anchor point. The
Mkii uses the same BLN-1 batteries as your E-M5, while the Mkiii uses the

Certainly see no advantage with the E-M5 Mkiii compared with the OM-5, apart
from price.  It is basically the E-M1 Mkiii in an EM-5 Mkiii body shell. The
hand held high res and the Live ND makes the OM-5 an unbeatable camera
unless you want the extra grip and subject detection of the OM-1.  I have
the OM-5 and do not find the body in polycarbonate a problem, but you should
try the feel of one in a store before going for it.

Webcam is one of the options when you connect the USB, which is MicroUSB,
not USB-C.


>Hi Peter,

>Differences between the newest OM-5 and older E-M5 III are listed here
I wouldn't go for an older mk II, a nice camera but I like the newer sensor
better. Not available new anymore, probably.

For me, the addition of the E-M1 III feature '50MP handheld high res shot'
makes the OM-5 a no brainer between these two. The live ND filter is nice
too, I think.

About capture: it doesn't support that with the Oly software, but instead
has usb webcam functionality out of the box, the article claims. So that is
actually a pro ;-).

My own trusty E-M5 still gets some shots if it must be really compact, but
my main camera is a big Fujifilm GFX these days. Oh well.

There seems to be a small cash back as well at the moment?



Op za 13 jan 2024 om 04:10 schreef Peter Klein <

> I'm a little late for the "camera replacement time" thread of c. Dec.
> 30, so I'm starting my own.
> I'm still using the original OM-D E-M5.  I shoot it with fast Oly or 
> Panasonic primes: 14/1.8, 20/1.7, 25/1.4 and 45/1.8. Plus a couple of 
> film OM macro and telephoto lenses, and a 90/2 rangefinder lens. I 
> don't photograph birds in flight. Despite a bit of shutter lag, it 
> serves me well. But it is getting old.
> I'm looking for some general advice on what to replace the E-M5 with 
> when the time comes. Used gear in good shape would be fine. Are there 
> any particular models I should concentrate on? Is there a good summary 
> of the major differences online?  I'm trying to narrow things down a 
> bit before diving into detailed reviews and user comments, which can 
> be a rabbit hole.
> My other camera is German rangefinder Brand L, which i use for people 
> shots where the exact instant is paramount. The E-M5 started out as my 
> travel camera, and something I could carry when I had "frozen shoulders"
> some years ago. But honestly, its convenience means it gets used for a 
> lot of things.
> Thanks!
> --Peter
> --
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