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Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time

Subject: Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 12:44:44 -0800
On 12/28/2023 5:04 PM, Steve Goss wrote:
Hi, Y'all-

Thank you for all the responses. Since I get the digest I'll summarize my 
replies here.


Used, especially from KEH is fine. Your EOS knowledge can't be any less than mine. Staying with Olympus would be nice. I do take cameras in some adverse conditions, although in really adverse conditions I use an Olympus TG5. in the example album (https://link.shutterfly.com/rJfaeUOwUFb) the typical shots of kayaks were taken while I was standing in the river. The Thanksgiving shots are what pushed me over the edge. There were just so many that weren't crisp.

Looking at your samples, I'd say you have two primary problems, focus accuracy 
and shutter speed:

Couple in kayaks: Not sure what's going on here, but even at screen size, it's just not as sharp as this lens should be. I know the Silver Snouted One has commented on zoom problems at specific mid focal lengths where they transition mechanically. Otherwise, just missed focus.

Camp Eagle:

1. Big camera movement, with two distinct images laid over each other. IBIS 
fails with too much movement for it?

2. Focus failure. With double image largely corrected, it's even clearer that the most in-focus part is what's closest to the camera, leather in lower left corner.

For snapshot use, it can be largely fixed in post with Topaz AI Sharpen x 2.

White water kayaker: Nailed it! The slight softness of the old, low MP sensor 
cleans up beautifully.

Hanging Kids: Simple focus failure. a contemporary, umpteen focus point body (E=M1 III = 121, OM-1 = 1053) would have focused properly.

Couple sitting: Sure looks like modest motion blur and slight mis-focus. But at 1/4000 second? Are you sure the IBIS is OK, not failing?

Sled: Other things at the focal plane of the sled are reasonably in focus, so people on sled are moving too fast for shutter speed.

Newer bodies will be as good at much higher ISOs, so shutter speeds can be 
Newer bodies have face recognition AF, which would have helped most of these.
Newer bodies have wildly better IBIS. With certain lenses, including the 12-100, IBIS and OIS work together for even more IS. They are talking 7+ stops, 4 second hand held exposures . . .

The E=M1 III is splash resistant. "If you dig into the specifics of IPX1 sealing, it doesn't sound terribly impressive: 'Dripping water (vertically falling drops) shall have no harmful effect. Test duration: 10 minutes, equivalent to 1 mm rainfall per minute.' . . . but it's one of very few cameras that carry a rating at all. "

The OM-1 is seriously water resistant, "The OM-1 achieves a rating of IP53, where the '5' represents a very high level of dust resistance (6 would be completely dust-proof), and the '3' indicates that the camera can withstand at least three minutes of water being sprayed at a 60 degree angle."

Many of the Pro lenses, including the 12-100, are also IP53 rated. 

Still Blathering Moose

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