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Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time

Subject: Re: [OM] It might be camera replacement time
From: Steve Goss <dallasgossfamily@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 19:04:17 -0600
Hi, Y'all-

Thank you for all the responses. Since I get the digest I'll summarize my replies here.


Used, especially from KEH is fine. Your EOS knowledge can't be any less than mine. Staying with Olympus would be nice. I do take cameras in some adverse conditions, although in really adverse conditions I use an Olympus TG5. in the example album (https://link.shutterfly.com/rJfaeUOwUFb) the typical shots of kayaks were taken while I was standing in the river. The Thanksgiving shots are what pushed me over the edge. There were just so many that weren't crisp.


I'm fairly sure I have the older version of the 14-54.


I tried manually focusing the digital lenses a while ago, and found I was worse than autofocus. That especially goes for the 200mm lens, with it's very shallow depth of field. A lot of my subjects don't sit still.


The D1 MkIII and 12-100 sounds promising.


What the camera shop showed me was the R7, not the T7.  B&H has the R7 with the 18-150 lens for $1799. It's mirrorless. The T7  does have a mirror, and is definitely a lesser model. Your vote for the E-M1 or M5 is noted. I think I would prefer one of them too.


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