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Re: [OM] Focus stacking on PC

Subject: Re: [OM] Focus stacking on PC
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2022 01:17:18 -0700
On 7/9/2022 12:40 AM, Wayne Harridge wrote:
I don't have any of the lenses required for "in camera" focus stacking so
I'm looking for recommendations for software that can stack a "focus
bracket" on my PC.  I thought Olympus Workspace might do it but no, it only
works for the same lenses that work for in camera focus stacking !!!!

Any recommendations gratefully received.

Photoshop does it:
Edit>Auto-Align Layers
Edit>Auto-Merge Layers

If all is simple, no movement of parts of the subject relative to other parts, 
it tends to work well.

The technique/work flow to correct ghosting caused by above movement is a big, 
fat pain.

Helicon Focus has more options than PS and a far better system for correcting ghosting. Easy to select frames, export from LR, get result back in LR. It's what I use these days.

I think MikeG also uses Zyrene, and may weigh in.

Slice and Dice Moose

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