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[OM] Off to the "wilds"

Subject: [OM] Off to the "wilds"
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2021 21:12:17 -0700
Time to get away. Time to take more pictures.

Three months of endless people tramping abound in the house, repairing and remodeling, ended a week ago. Necessary deferred maintenance, plus big improvements. Totally worth it, but it was getting old.

They'll be back in a couple of weeks, to do the guest bath. Shouldn't be as bad.

We've recovered from our "breakthrough" Covid infections. Like a pretty bad cold, but lingeryer. No clear way we got them. We haven't done things like eat indoors at restaurants, we wear masks when out and not eating, etc. No major complaints; sans vaccines, we might be obits.

Off tomorrow morning to Mendocino/Fort Bragg for three days, then Hendy Woods SP, in old growth redwoods, for a couple more.

Mostly Incommunicado.

Travelin' Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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