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Re: [OM] First Switzerland installment--one shot on topic

Subject: Re: [OM] First Switzerland installment--one shot on topic
From: "Wayne Harridge" <wayne.harridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:33:57 +1100
Impressive scenery !


-----Original Message-----
From: olympus
] On Behalf Of Mike Gordon via olympus
Sent: Monday, 14 November 2016 7:50 AM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] First Switzerland installment--one shot on topic

Just getting to process these.  We were on a self guided inn to inn hiking
excursion for about a week .  Prior to leaving we went to the "top of
Europe."  Rather pricey train tickets even with the 1/2 price pass.

We were told this girl had never made a snowball before---she should have
gone to our place two winters ago and could have made trillions


The weather was iffy the first hiking day and the trail became hard to
follow due to snow despite it being July.

We  doubled  back and took an alternate route and were rewarded with these
views that had been rather unremarkable 45min prior.  Despite 15miles more
to go took time to unpack the 'pod and Z. 35 shift.


The Swiss cows are very personable--much more so than their reserved New
England cousins.  We fed them  dried cherries out of our trail mix.

I lugged waay too much gear up a steep incline on the way to Kleine
Scheidegg.  I had to stop and turn my new hiking pants into shorts, and dip
my arms in a cow trough  and take a break in order to be able to continue.
I could not resist bringing extra stuff and felt the weight penalty uphill.
Moral of the story is that two light kits end up being not so light.  I was
fine on the flat or downhill for mile after mile though.   I looked quite
the worse for wear by this point but Marnie looked just the same as when we


She later told me we could have taken a ski lift thingie half way up, but
would not have wanted to miss these views:

We finally made it up to Kleine Scheidegg for lunch, fill up our water, and
a rest ---remainder of the way down to Wengen was easy and scenic.  




Lug too much stuff, Mike

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