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Re: [OM] Well, dangit

Subject: Re: [OM] Well, dangit
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 13:51:01 -0800
On 12/17/2013 9:04 AM, Paul Braun wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:35 AM, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ...
>> It's the same length as the v. expensive bag Chris suggested, taller and
>> wider (and WAAAAAY cheaper.) The FL-50 will fit
>> in one end. E-M5 with 12-50, hood on, and the grip part of the HLD-6 will
>> drop lens down in the center, with room for
>> 20/1.7 and other stuff at the other end.
>> That sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.  Thanks, Moose.

Ah well, as I just said, "Bags are so darn personal."* The Domke turned out to 
be smaller than you had anticipated. The 
PhotoRunner may be bigger, in person, than you imagine. I go back and forth, 
sometimes surprised at how small it is, for 
all the gear in it; sometimes wishing I had something a little smaller. So far, 
I've found nothing smaller with its 
other great attributes.

One other wonderful thing in its favor I forgot to mention is that the waist 
straps may be folded and tucked out of the 
way for carrying by hand loop or shoulder strap and when stowing it. I have an 
LLBean waist pack I use for other stuff 
and the waist straps are always in the way when it isn't on me. Drives me crazy.

It's also a cheap experiment.

If you go to Chi Town to look at bags, be sure to check out the LowePro 
Slingshot Chuck talked about, too.

Bags Are Moose

* I have a Baggallini messenger bag. I don't like the strap, material or 
closures much. But it has a zippered place in 
back that allows it to slip over the handle on rolling luggage. That's so darn 
convenient when traveling that I always 
take it for the plane trips, and pack a different bag to use at my destination.

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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