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Re: [OM] Coffee Espresso Machine.

Subject: Re: [OM] Coffee Espresso Machine.
From: "j.timothy.dean " <taija71a@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 22:45:20 -0500
Ken...  What are you presently using for a Grinder?  Do you also perchance
happen to 'Roast' your own Beans?
I was seriously thinking of upgrading my Grinder to a Baratza Virtuoso With
Preciso Burrs.
Do you have any other good recommendations for a good Grinder?

>>  I was trying to help someone this weekend with their espresso machine.
>>  was a POS steam machine like you get at any normal store. I gave up
>>  five tries to get anything even remotely drinkable.
*>>  And I was using my beans.*
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