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Re: [OM] 80/4.0 Macro resolving power?

Subject: Re: [OM] 80/4.0 Macro resolving power?
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 19:45:52 -0700
> I find macro in the field to be very difficult. If someone
> would make a white tent to work in as a diffuser and wind break, I'd buy it.
Thanks for the comments. I finally pulled out an old light stand and 
used a spring clip to hold the branch in position for the leaf shots 
which helped a lot. I was trying to take advantage of the low angle 
morning sun for backlight. The backlit oof spider web was a rather 
pleasing to my eye surprise when I looked at the results on the big 
screen. I had no idea from the lcd preview. I use the light stand with 
an umbrella as a wind/sun shade if desired. I guess if I needed a really 
big tent I could set up the Costco canopy :-)
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