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Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh

Subject: Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 12:36:39 -0700
C.H.Ling wrote:
> It is good to know you both don't mind this issue, I agree it is not too bad 
> but I have another macro lens that do better in this area so I can choose it 
> for that purpose. Actually almost every lens has its weak point, that's why I 
> need 28 different zuikos to suit every of my needs :-)

Darn! What a piker I am, with only 20 different Zuikos. :-)

The total is higher than that, due to duplicates. Anybody need a 50/1.4 
SC, 50/1.8, 75-150/4, 50/3.5 MC, 35-70/3.5-4.5?

Where did that third 75-150 come from? Are they breeding? If so, why not 
a baby 50/3.5 or multiple new standard 50mms?

I do have 20+ non-Zuiko OM mount lenses, though. Not sure exactly how 
many, as I see a couple on the list that I'm sure I sold, but apparently 
didn't update on the list.

Where did all these lenses come from, anyway? ;-)

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