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[OM] Camedia Card Reader

Subject: [OM] Camedia Card Reader
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 17:40:00 -0400
I have an electronic picture frame No. 1 son gave me a while back.  
Turns out it won't hook into a computer to download pictures, you have  
to feed it with a card. I have a 2 gig XD card that's just sitting  
around. So I dug out the old Camedia USB card reader, downloaded the  
appropriate software for the Mac, and plugged in the reader.

Nothing. I was expecting it to show up as an external drive I could  
then load with pictures to put on the frame, but now I'm thinking it's  
a one way gizmo, and it has to have files on the XD card before the  
software kicks in.

Anyone familiar with this?


--Bob Whitmire

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