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[OM] Aloha from soggy Hawaii

Subject: [OM] Aloha from soggy Hawaii
From: "Joel Wilcox" <jfwilcox@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 13:55:11 -0600
Howdy and aloha all you Zuiks.  I'm writing you from Molokai in the
Hawaiian island chain.  We arrived here on Tuesday after a nutty
pre-Christmas period on Oahu and have managed to escape the
last-minute Xmas shoppers and hoopla over Obama's visit, not to
mention now the torrential rains and power outage all over Oahu.  The
bad weather seems to have skirted Molokai to the north -- for now.
This is the first time I've had any sort of connectivity on Molokai as
I sit sipping coffee at the Coffees of Hawaii snack bar.  Coffee is
now king on this island.  It's taken a long time to mature, but it's
as good as any I've ever had now.

I'm enjoying the E-3 immensely.  I'm processing ORF files on my
laptop, which is a little like shooting in the dark for me, but that's
how it is.  Here's one of my favorite spots on Oahu:


(Sorry about the Flickr.)  The E-3 seems to combine the best of the
E-1 and E-330.  I love every ounce of the big brute.

Aloha and happy new year,
Joel W.,
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