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[OM] Re: What Film does your Digital Camera Mimick Most

Subject: [OM] Re: What Film does your Digital Camera Mimick Most
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 05 Jul 2008 12:25:52 -0400
I have never considered trying to replicate the look of some particular 
film with digital.  I shoot everything in raw and then process in ACR 
until it pleases my eye.  I do B&W in a similar manner.  I use ACR and 
diddle with the color filter sliders until I get a pleasing image.  The 
fact that it doesn't look like Tri-X grain or some other characteristic 
that defines a particular Ilford film doesn't concern me in the least.

Chuck Norcutt

Moose wrote:
> Ken Norton wrote:
>> Survey of the day, on www.zone-10.com. I am interested in what film
>> you think your digital camera comes closest to mimicking.
> I saw that, and it didn't have a choice suitable for my situation.
> I'm not in the least bit interested in mimicking any film with
> digital. Digital is, as you have pointed out, different from film. I
> would say not better nor worse, in any ultimate sense, depending on
> what one values, just different. I'm interested in how any sensor
> system aids or gets in the way of creating the image I see in my mind
> when viewing the subject.

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