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[OM] Re: [OM-D] PMA 2006 Olympus info?

Subject: [OM] Re: [OM-D] PMA 2006 Olympus info?
From: "James N. McBride" <jnmcbr@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 11:37:01 -0700
I just spent two days chipping and shoveling crusted snow and ice off of my
cabin roof. I usually don't to even shovel it but an early warm spell
crusted the soft snow so the wind couldn't blow it off. The first 50 miles
on the way back to the desert were in a raging blizzard with lots of snow
and high winds. Spring is an interesting time here. Today would be a good
day for skiing but I'm too damned tired. There should be some good photo ops
around here as winter breaks into something else. /jmac

-----Original Message-----
From: olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of AG Schnozz
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2006 10:41 AM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] Re: [OM-D] PMA 2006 Olympus info?

> I'm photographing my uncle's 75th b-day celebration today.
> Bad news, he lives 100 miles away, and it will be slush balls
> all the way.

Hmm. Dry this way, at the moment.

Go west, young man, go west.


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