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[OM] Re: foxes

Subject: [OM] Re: foxes
From: Philippe Le Zuikomane <zuikomane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 14:16:13 -0500
Unless you cook FOR them. You should see our 17 year-old, three-legged, 
dim-sighted cancer survivor "Lucky" "Tripod" Dumplin when the aroma of a less 
fortunate fowl wafts to her hypersensitive nostrils. She will rear up and lunge 
for it with her lone forepaw as if she were performing in a circus act. Life is 
all about sleepin' an' eatin' now. {Phil}

On 14:43, Walt Wayman wrote:

>So many cats, so few recipies.

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