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Re: [OM] would an "equipment exchange" work on the OM list?

Subject: Re: [OM] would an "equipment exchange" work on the OM list?
From: "Walt Wayman" <hiwayman@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 12:26:13 -0400
An interesting idea, but I'm not particularly enthusiastic for a 
couple of reasons.

Stuff sometimes gets lost in transit.  I mailed a Zuiko 200/4, 
with a small fungus farm growing inside, to Mark Dapoz on April 30 
of this year.  It never got there, and I don't think there's much 
question but that it's never going to get there.  It's not a big 
loss, but it was complete with proper box in good condition, which 
I think Mark wanted more than the lens.  What if it had been a 

Secondly, like Tom, I've got some stuff I definitely wouldn't want 
to risk, especially in light of the aforementioned experience: 
21/2, 50/2, 90/2, 100/2, 35-80/2.8, any of the macro bellows 
lenses, not even the 180/2.8.  (I'm assuming the Tamrons aren't 
part of this plan, but if they are, the 80-200/2.8 and the 300/2.8 
are off limits too.)  And I'm sure not shipping off a 4Ti.

So this leaves just the common, garden-variety stuff that nearly 
everybody's got anyway.  I wouldn't have a problem loaning out a 
35/2, 50/1.8, 1.4 or 3.5, or a 135/2.8, etc., but who really cares?


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Tom Scales" <tscales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date:  Thu, 17 Jul 2003 09:14:08 -0400

>I'm game, although after the move.  I'd put a half dozen or more 
>things into the pot. Heck, I almost always have two or three out 
>at any given time anyway.
>There would be a few things that might be 'off-limits', because I 
>wouldn't be willing to lose them (90/2), but mostly everything 
>else would be fair game.


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