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Re: [OM] Shipping costs ?

Subject: Re: [OM] Shipping costs ?
From: "Keith Berry" <k.berry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 17:56:09 +0100
Jim Sharp wrote:
> > I agree with you on BidPay. I don't know why more people don't use
Jay Maynard wrote:
> The cost is why I've never used it: it's $5 for the base fee, and goes up
> from there if you want expedited delivery. For a $30 item, it doesn't make
> sense.

For the UK buyer though $5 isn't bad. For instance, I've just sent $26.00 in
cash to pay for my tablepod. The bills cost me UKP2 in bank commission,
UKP0.65 in air postage plus I don't know how much in expensive car juice
fetching and posting them in all this heat. If I'd sent them recorded
delivery, BidPay's $5 would win hands down, and for a simple transaction
from the keyboard. I'll have a Kiev 4 (or two) to pay for by tomorrow when
I'll put BidPay to the test.

Keith Berry

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