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Re: [OM] First shot processed from Ireland

Subject: Re: [OM] First shot processed from Ireland
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 22:01:38 -0700
On 5/28/2024 2:37 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
Thanks for looking and commenting Frank and Wayne.   Regarding the not level issue, my first operation in PS was 
to straighten it on the vertical in the castle.  On noting the off kilter reflection after the correction I attributed 
that in a 2 sec analysis time to the odd phenomenon of reflections on uneven surfaces  appear to skew towards the 
observer, like headlights reflecting on wet pavement.  An operator error in PS was deemed a second remote 
possibility.  I had mentally noted Marnie's long exposure time  that would seemingly even out the small 
ripples.  Glass like water on that inlet is rare.  The physics and underlying math of that phenomenon is a bit 


I am still at work and can't put a grid on it, but my revised opinion putting a straight 
edge on it that despite my efforts, Frank is right and it /is cockeyed. Arghhh.  
Once in a while the simplest explanation is correct.  I will recheck in PS.

Disagree, looks perfect to me.

I also did take artistic license and added a layer with a 35 pixel Gaussian blur with 20% opacity to enhance 
the glow a smidge.  I think Frank may be correct and I should trim the highlights just a tad on the 
castle after that procedure as it  led to some loss of detail due to the enhance "glow".  
 For images I rather like, I now save the PSD file so I can review after a few days as problems may be 
missed the first go around.

I find the lighting far more upsetting/distracting. That's where I'd take artistic license. Don't seem to be able to download full size, so I left it a bit messy.

Stony Moose

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