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Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?

Subject: Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:11:57 -0700
At 3/20/2024 02:18 PM, Y'all wrote:
> stuff

I have concluded there is no such thing as a good camera strap/harness system.

My latest purchase was a BlackRapid camera sling strap. It looks great, but the 
problem with all such straps is the camera is hanging on a swivel. That allows 
the camera to spin around, not stable at the side. The black rapid does have 
"Spring-loaded bumper locks" which are handy, but the swivel is a problem for 
me, especially when hiking.

I also have Peak Design straps and they slide easily, however, they are a strap 
on your shoulder.

I also have the Peak Design capture clip, which I like depending on the 
situation, but when you use it on a backpack or sling pack, the clip goes on 
one side and hence puts more weight on that strap. So the weight is similar to 
a camera strap on that shoulder. It gets uncomfortable after a while.

I have also tried sling bags of various kinds, getting the camera out when 
needed. But that is cumbersome also, especially if it tangles up in jackets 
(especially if the jacket has a hood).

I have thought about a chest harness, such as this:

The problem I see with that is if I have another pack on, now there are two 
competing things to deal with, but maybe something to try.

If you find a solution, let us know. For now I tend to just use the peak design 
strap and capture clip. And if I have a telephoto lens on, I attach a second 
strap to the bottom of that lens to distribute the weight.

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