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Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?

Subject: Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?
From: Frank <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 21:34:00 +0100
Regarding your second question I see op/tech recommended.

That might depend on how you want to wear your strap. If your strap is on
the shoulder on the side your camera is hanging, op/tech might be good
because the neoprene helps to distribute the weight better.

But I much prefer nowadays the way for instance the peak design slidestraps
works, sliding around your neck on the other side your camera hangs (when
not in use).

So I'm actually ditching my op/tech straps because of the rubber which
prevents it from sliding easily that way, at least in my experience.

You can see what it is like in this video (<
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9QCaLfS2P4>, around 1:30). Which means you
want to grip the camera, easily slide it to your eyes, and slide it back on
your side. I use the smallest of those slidestraps 'leach' for my Olympus
and Sony gear, and think I buy a slightly bigger one (the lite) for my
fujifilm camera. BTW, because the strap is on the other side of your neck,
the weight is evenly distributed, I think.

Best, Frank.

Op wo 20 mrt 2024 om 04:08 schreef Peter Klein <

> Two questions for our collective expert mind.
> 2. Can anyone recommend a chest harness or other type of camera strap
> that spares my neck muscles when I'm out and about using a heavier
> lens?  I've read so many ads and reviews that I'm cross-eyed, but
> haven't yet seen "the one." Looking for the minimum amount of hardware
> to do the job comfortably.
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