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Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?

Subject: Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 21:09:33 -0700
On 3/21/2024 8:11 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
At 3/20/2024 02:18 PM, Y'all wrote:
I have concluded there is no such thing as a good camera strap/harness system.

For You! And that's the crux of the matter; we're all built differently, carry different gear, in different circumstances . . .

My full kit is three bodies, with 100-400+1.4x TC, 12-300 and 7-14. The first two go around my neck, the third, when carried, either in a little bag or on my belt.

OM-1, 100-400, TC and strap weigh 4.5 lbs. No way that thing is fitting under my arm. It hangs down proudly over my gut. Why carry it? I dunno, maybe for shots like this. <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=California/Marin%2C_Sonoma%2C_Mendocino_Coast/Fort%20Bragg/Misc&image=_A004466rotcroofm.jpg>

Sure, we were just wandering down the gravel road from the place we were staying, to see if there was water access, but I brought both cameras, anyway; glad I did. 😉

But then, there's another camera/lens combo also around my neck, only another 2.6 lbs. It's on a light strap with just the right amount of sticky. I could carry it under my arm, but don't. I can carry that load for hours without trouble or pain. AG couldn't possibly, because his neck is different than mine.

OTOH, our 8 week trip to New and old England and Wales proved to me that I can't press my luck with my right knee too very far. And my favorite companion isn't any better. So, no serious hiking/treks. This knee has performed faithful service for eight decades, and I'd just as soon get another couple out of it. My brother got different knees (mom's) and had both done. He claims it's good, but watch him and me walk, and you might think differently. And, of course, they don't last forever, either.

Long - I don't need anything but a light pack, if any. And that causes me no 

My latest purchase was a BlackRapid camera sling strap. It looks great, but the problem 
with all such straps is the camera is hanging on a swivel. That allows the camera to spin 
around, not stable at the side. The black rapid does have "Spring-loaded bumper 
locks" which are handy, but the swivel is a problem for me, especially when hiking.

I also have Peak Design straps and they slide easily, however, they are a strap 
on your shoulder.

Damn, those things are over priced!

I also have the Peak Design capture clip,

That's what I use to carry a camera on my belt. It works well. It's also not cheap, but as the only thing like it, and with the custom metal work, OK.

Different bodies, different solutions. I've fought this business to different 
standstills over the years. Set for now.

Hanging Together Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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